Guavas are a very common type of fruit, but people will neglect this fruit because of their hardness & presence of seeds. It contains rich in vitamin C and antioxidants for skin. It improves skin texture, brain health and thyroid health, regulates sugar in diabetics, cures scurvy and prevent from cancer and breast cancer.
Scientific name : Psidium Guajava
Nutritional Value of Guava:
Dietary Fiber - 22%
Calories - 3%
Protein - 5%
Vitamin C - 381%
Vitamin A - 12%
Vitamin E - 4%
Niacin - 5%
Folate - 12%
Phosphorus - 4%
Potassium - 12%
Copper - 11%
Manganese - 8%
Magnesium - 5%
In Different Languages:
Tamil - Koiya Pazham
Hindi - Amrood
Telugu - Jaamapandu
Malayalam - Nattu Peraka
kannada- SeebeKayi
Gujarati - Jam phal
Marathi - Peru
Health Benefits:
- Reduces symptoms of diarrhea.
- Helps to maintain good eyesight.
- Improves skin texture.
- Improves brain health and thyroid health.
- Regulates sugar in diabetics.
- Used as a remedy for scurvy.
- Prevent from cancer and breast cancer.
- Helps to lose weight.
- Prevents from cold and viral infections.
- Cures Stomach Problem.
- Cures Dengue Fever and toothache.
- Improves Blood Circulation.
Benefits Of Guava For Skin:
- Improves Complexion
- UV Protection
- Anti-ageing Properties
- Natural Skin Toner
- Treatment Of Acne And Dark Spots
- Treatment Of Blackheads And Skin Itchiness
Benefits Of Guava For Hair:
- Combats Hair Loss - Due to the presence of Vitamin V in guava fruit that promote healthy hair growth and also helps in combating hair loss problems.